We assist clients by handling debt and equity restructuring negotiations with all affected stakeholders in relation to seemingly insurmountable financial and project difficulties. In pressurised situations, patience and understanding enable a logical investigation and analysis of complex financial issues. Our credibility and experience can help to reconcile damaged relationships allowing for the creation and implementation of mutually acceptable solutions. We have acted for a diverse range of clients undertaking a variety of real estate projects including global real estate managers, UK and Commonwealth banks and insurance companies, UK and international conglomerates, UK property developers and investors, and other major UK trading corporates.
Representative experience
Assisted a US insurance company in unlocking a stalled restructuring of a default loan portfolio of c. €60m secured upon a number of European assets. Reworking of the loan amortisation profiles enabled the borrowers to effect an orderly exit driving improved unit holder values in the medium term rather than facing immediate losses on sales in receivership.
Assisted a UK developer to understand clearly its options when faced with a bank threatening foreclosure of its assets. The gross development value to the client exceeded £500 million but time was required to bring forward the development plans. The introduction of substantial new equity from a third party enabled the acquisition of a superior ransom strip interest to be made thereby rebalancing the negotiation and eventual exit position.